
Empowering agriculture for a sustainable future

The agricultural sector in Zambia has experienced notable transformations over the years, marked by shifts in policies, the adoption of advanced technologies, and an increasing recognition of the sector’s pivotal role in overall economic development.

While progress has been made, challenges remain, including access to finance, market access, and the impact of climate change. The evolution of the agriculture sector in Zambia is an ongoing process that requires continued investment, innovation, and collaborative efforts at local, national, and international levels.

We specialize in assisting local businesses in strategically prioritizing and implementing effective commercial growth strategies to surpass market trends. Our comprehensive solutions empower you to seize significant opportunities by fine-tuning each aspect of your commercial strategy. From reimagining business models to leveraging cutting-edge technologies and harnessing powerful insights, we enable you to craft confident pricing, sales, and marketing strategies for optimal success.

Our primary focus





Why are we interested in these segments?

Zambia's agricultural landscape centres on the cultivation of diverse crops, including maize, wheat, sorghum, millet, cassava, and various vegetables. Maize is a staple and predominant crop, with a focus on addressing urbanization-driven demand. Despite previous growth efforts with hybrid varieties and subsidized fertilizers, maize production has struggled to meet the rising demand. Over time, maize has replaced traditional staples like cassava and sorghum in less suitable regions, but the removal of fertilizer subsidies has reversed this trend.

Why is it important to us?

  1. Diversification of Agriculture: The inclusion of various crops in the farming sector allows for diversification, reducing the risk associated with relying on a single crop. This diversification enhances the resilience of the agricultural sector to external factors such as climate changes or market fluctuations.
  2. Diversity of Crops: Crop farming in Zambia involves a diverse range of crops, including both staples and cash crops like maize, sugar, tobacco, soybeans, coffee, groundnuts, rice, cotton, and horticultural produce. This diversity enhances resilience against market fluctuations and global economic changes.
  3. Utilization of Available Land: Zambia has a considerable land area, with 75 million hectares, and a significant portion is classified as medium-to-high potential. Crop farming allows for the optimal utilization of available land resources, contributing to increased agricultural productivity.
  4. Employment Opportunities: Agriculture, including crop farming, is a major source of employment in Zambia. Small-scale, medium-scale, and large-scale farming operations create job opportunities for a significant portion of the population, thereby addressing unemployment challenges.

What opportunities does crop farming present for SMEs?

  1. Agribusiness Services: SMEs can offer a range of agribusiness services, including consulting, training, and advisory services to small-scale farmers. This can help improve farming practices, increase productivity, and enhance overall efficiency.
  2. Supply Chain Management: SMEs can engage in various aspects of the agricultural supply chain, such as storage, transportation, and distribution of crops. Developing efficient and reliable supply chain solutions can contribute to reducing post-harvest losses and ensuring timely delivery to markets.
  3. Processing and Value Addition: There is a significant opportunity for SMEs to engage in crop processing and value addition. This includes activities like milling, packaging, and processing of crops into finished or semi-finished products, adding value to agricultural produce.
  4. Technology and Innovation: SMEs can play a crucial role in introducing and implementing technology solutions for crop farming. This may include the development of farming apps, precision agriculture technologies, and other innovations that can enhance productivity and sustainability.
  5. Training and Capacity Building: Offering training programs and capacity-building initiatives for farmers can be a valuable service. This can include training on modern farming techniques, sustainable practices, and compliance with quality standards.

Livestock rearing is a crucial component of Zambia's agriculture, encompassing cattle farming, poultry farming, and small-scale animal husbandry. The sector holds promise for driving agricultural-led growth and socio-economic transformation. The persistent high demand for livestock and related products is fuelled by population growth, and there are untapped opportunities in both regional and international markets.

Why livestock farming is important us?

  1. Contribution to GDP: Livestock farming significantly contributes to both the national GDP (3.2%) and the agricultural GDP (42%). This indicates economic opportunities for individuals and businesses engaged in the sector.
  2. Diversification of Products: Livestock provides essential products such as meat, milk, and other by-products, contributing to food security and offering diverse economic opportunities for farmers.
  3. Economic Growth Potential: The sector holds promise for driving agricultural-led growth and socio-economic transformation, indicating its potential as a catalyst for overall economic development in Zambia.
  4. High Demand for Products: The persistent high demand for livestock and related products is driven by population growth, ensuring a constant market for these goods.
  5. Untapped Market Opportunities: Both regional and international markets present untapped opportunities for Zambian livestock products, indicating the potential for increased economic gains through exports.

The opportunities for SMEs in livestock farming in Zambia can be identified as follows:

  1. Market Demand: The persistent high demand for livestock and related products presents a significant opportunity for SMEs to enter and thrive in the market. As population growth continues and with untapped opportunities in regional and international markets, there is a consistent market for livestock products.
  2. Value-Added Products: Beyond primary products like meat and milk, there is potential for SMEs to engage in the production of value-added products from livestock, such as processed meats, dairy products, and other by-products. This adds value to the products and can enhance profitability.
  3. Technology Integration: The modernization of livestock farming through technology presents opportunities for innovation and efficiency. SMEs can explore incorporating technology for activities such as data management, health monitoring, and sustainable practices to enhance productivity.
  4. Gender-Inclusive Participation: With a nearly equal gender distribution in livestock-raising households, there is an opportunity to promote gender-inclusive participation in the sector. SMEs that focus on empowering both male and female entrepreneurs can contribute to a more balanced and sustainable industry.

Overall, SMEs in Zambia can leverage the existing demand, value addition, technology, export potential, and gender inclusivity to establish and grow their presence in the livestock farming sector.

Aquaculture plays a crucial role in Zambia, contributing significantly to both food security and economic development. The focus on tilapia farming specifically has gained momentum in the aquaculture sector in Zambia.

Why it is important to us?

  1. Food Security (Protein Source): Aquaculture provides a reliable and sustainable source of protein for the Zambian population. Fish is a rich source of essential nutrients, including high-quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins and minerals.
  2. Income Generation: Fish farming serves as a source of income for small-scale farmers, fostering economic development at the grassroots level. The income generated contributes to improved living standards and community development.
  3. Environmental Benefits: As global demand for fish increases, aquaculture helps reduce the pressure on wild fisheries, preventing overfishing and the depletion of natural fish stocks.
  4. Water Management: Sustainable aquaculture practices can contribute to responsible water management, ensuring the conservation of water resources and minimizing environmental impact.
  5. Rural Development: Aquaculture often takes place in rural areas, providing a viable livelihood option for rural communities. This helps reduce migration to urban areas in search of employment.
  6. Infrastructure Development: The development of aquaculture requires supporting infrastructure such as ponds, hatcheries, and processing facilities, leading to improved rural infrastructure.

What opportunities does aquaculture farming present for SMEs?

  1. Market Access: Successful aquaculture operations in Zambia can lead to increased exports, providing the country with foreign exchange earnings and enhancing its position in the global market.
  2. Trade Balance: By producing and exporting fish products, Zambia can improve its trade balance and strengthen its economic resilience.
  3. Knowledge Sharing: The development of aquaculture fosters knowledge sharing and technology transfer, as farmers learn about modern farming techniques, sustainable practices, and innovative technologies.
  4. Research and Development: Investment in aquaculture encourages research and development activities, leading to continuous improvement in farming practices and the development of new technologies.

The cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and flowers is an important aspect of Zambian agriculture. Small-scale horticultural practices contribute to food diversity and income generation for farmers. Zambia's horticulture sector has encountered considerable obstacles, making it difficult for local farmers to export their goods to the global food market. From time-consuming border processing to insufficient resources and laws, the industry has faced a variety of challenges that have hampered its expansion and competitiveness.

Why it is important to us?

  1. Diverse Food Production: Horticulture contributes to the production of a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This diversity is essential for a balanced and nutritious diet, providing essential vitamins and minerals to the population.
  2. Income Generation: Small-scale horticultural practices serve as a source of income for many farmers. This is particularly important in rural areas where agriculture is a primary livelihood for a significant portion of the population. Income from horticulture helps improve the economic well-being of farmers and their communities.
  3. Enhancement of Rural Development: Given that a substantial portion of the Zambian population resides in rural areas, the development of horticulture can contribute to overall rural development. It can lead to improved infrastructure, better access to markets, and enhanced living standards for rural communities.
  4. Environmental Benefits: Horticulture often involves the cultivation of plants that contribute to environmental sustainability. Trees, for example, provide ecological benefits such as carbon sequestration and soil conservation. Additionally, sustainable horticultural practices can promote biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Despite the challenges faced by Zambia's horticulture sector, there are several opportunities for SMEs involved in horticultural practices.

  1. Local Market Demand: While global export may face obstacles, there is a growing demand for fresh produce within Zambia. SMEs can focus on catering to the local market, supplying supermarkets, local markets, and restaurants with high-quality, locally-grown produce.
  2. Value Addition: SMEs can explore opportunities for value addition by processing horticultural products into jams, juices, pickles, or other value-added products. This not only adds value to the products but also extends their shelf life, creating new market opportunities.
  3. Organic and Sustainable Practices: The global trend towards healthier and sustainable living creates an opportunity for SMEs to adopt organic farming practices. Certifying products as organic can open up niche markets and attract environmentally conscious consumers.
  4. Technology Adoption: Implementing modern agricultural technologies can enhance productivity and efficiency. SMEs can explore the use of precision farming, greenhouse technologies, and other innovations to improve the quality and quantity of their horticultural products.
  5. Collaboration and Networking: SMEs can collaborate with each other to achieve economies of scale and collectively address common challenges. Networking with government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations can also provide access to resources, markets, and knowledge.

Services and Capabilities

Market Research and Analysis

Business Planning and Strategy

Funding Advisory

Risk Management

Supply Chain Management

Partnerships and Collaborations

Digital Transformation Strategies

Sustainability Consulting

Unlocking growth: Your partner in agricultural business development

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