
Beyond production lines, building opportunities

The manufacturing sector in Zambia has undergone significant transformative changes over the years, driven by a multitude of factors. Despite the country’s inherent diversity, distinct circumstances have contributed to the emergence of common trends and noteworthy developments that define the trajectory of the manufacturing sector in Zambia.

Several factors have played pivotal roles in shaping the manufacturing landscape. These influences range from economic dynamics and technological advancements to policy frameworks and global market forces. As Zambia continues to navigate these intricate forces, it has witnessed a discernible shift in the structure, scale, and nature of its manufacturing activities.

Working closely with local businesses in this sector, we are actively engaged in exploring innovative strategies and identifying opportunities. Our goal is to empower these businesses, foster their growth, and enable them to contribute substantial economic value to our environment.

Our primary focus

cereal (1)
Processed Foods

Drinks & Beverages



Why are we interested in these sectors?

This subsector focuses on the manufacturing of processed foods and beverages, including snacks, juices, and other convenience foods.

Why is it important to us?

  1. Economic Contribution: Processed foods and beverages play a significant role in the Zambian economy. They contribute to economic growth by creating jobs, generating income, and adding value to agricultural produce.

  2. Market Opportunities: There is a growing demand for processed food and beverage products, both domestically and internationally. As consumers seek convenience and packaged goods, there is ample room for SMEs to tap into these markets.
  3. Export Potential: Processed food and beverage products have export potential, particularly in neighboring countries and beyond. SMEs can take advantage of trade agreements and regional economic blocs to access larger markets.

We are supporting SMEs in the processed foods and beverages subsector through business planning, funding strategy, product development strategy, distribution channel design, sales pipeline design, go-to-market strategy, etc. With the right strategies, innovation, and access to resources, we believe SMEs can play a vital role in the growth of this subsector and contribute to Zambia's economic development.

The nutraceutical subsector combines elements of both nutrition and pharmaceuticals. It involves the production and commercialization of products derived from food sources that are purported to provide extra health benefits beyond their basic nutritional value. These products can include dietary supplements, functional foods, beverages, and even certain types of herbal products.

Why is it important to us?

  1. Health and Wellness: Nutraceuticals offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition. They often contain ingredients that have medicinal properties, potentially contributing to wellness and preventive healthcare.

  2. Value Addition to Agriculture: Zambia's rich agricultural resources provide raw materials for nutraceutical products. Processing these resources into nutraceuticals adds value to the agricultural produce, creating additional revenue streams.

  3. Export Potential: Nutraceuticals have growing demand in local and international markets. Zambia can tap into this market both within the region and globally.

What opportunities does the nutraceutical sector present for SMEs?

  1. Utilization of Indigenous Crops: Zambia has a range of indigenous crops with potential health benefits. SMEs can explore these crops and their health properties to develop nutraceutical products.

  2. Research and Development: There's an opportunity for SMEs to invest in research and development to identify and harness the health benefits of various agricultural products, creating unique nutraceuticals.

  3. Collaboration and Partnerships: SMEs can collaborate with research institutions, agricultural experts, and health professionals to develop and certify the health benefits of their products.

  4. Market Penetration: By offering products with unique health benefits, SMEs can target both local and international markets, catering to the growing interest in wellness and natural health solutions.

  5. Quality Standards and Certifications: Meeting quality standards and obtaining certifications is crucial for nutraceuticals. SMEs can work on compliance and quality assurance to access broader markets.

  6. Support and Funding: Access to funding and support for product development, infrastructure, and compliance measures is crucial for SMEs to establish and grow within the nutraceutical industry.

We aim to support SMEs in the nutraceutical subsector. With a focus on research, innovation, compliance with regulations, and access to markets. We believe the local SMEs can contribute to the growth of this subsector while providing health-conscious consumers with valuable, locally sourced products.

The pharmaceutical sector is critical for public health, providing essential medicines and healthcare products.

Why is it important to us?

  1. Healthcare Access: It plays a fundamental role in providing essential medicines, promoting public health, and addressing healthcare needs within the country.

  2. Economic Contribution: The sector can contribute significantly to the national economy by providing employment, generating revenue, and supporting various ancillary industries.

  3. Medical Infrastructure Development: A robust pharmaceutical sector can help in developing medical infrastructure, ensuring access to a wide range of medicines and medical supplies.

  4. Health Security: A well-developed pharmaceutical sector can contribute to the country's health security by ensuring a consistent supply of essential medications.

What opportunities does the pharmaceutical sector present for SMEs?

  1. Local Manufacturing: SMEs can engage in the local manufacturing of essential drugs and medical supplies, reducing dependency on imports and contributing to local employment.

  2. Research and Development: Opportunities exist for SMEs to innovate and develop new drugs, formulations, or medical devices to meet specific local health needs.

  3. Generic Medicines: Producing generic versions of essential medications can be a significant opportunity, offering cost-effective alternatives to branded drugs.

  4. Partnerships and Licensing: SMEs can establish partnerships, licensing agreements, or technology transfers with larger pharmaceutical companies to access technology, improve product quality, or expand their product lines.

  5. Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance: Opportunities exist for SMEs to focus on meeting stringent regulatory standards and ensuring quality control, which is critical for market acceptance and export potential.

  6. Healthcare Access Initiatives: SMEs can participate in healthcare access initiatives, like providing affordable medicines or collaborating with healthcare programs, improving healthcare access in remote or underserved areas.

Ultimately, our goal is to support the local pharmaceutical companies in Zambia to strengthen their market presence, innovate, ensure quality standards, expand their reach, and contribute to the growth and development of the health sector.

Services and Capabilities

Business Planning

Funding Strategy

Data Collection and Analysis

digital-transformation (1)
Digital Transformation Strategies

Product Development Strategy

pricing (1)
Price and Promotion Strategy

Distribution Channels Design

Go-to-Market Strategy

Sales Pipeline Design

Customer Relationships

Partnership Development

Regulatory Compliance Advisory

From local to global: strengthening our manufacturing sector

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